2023 – Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting of the St Helena Cricket Association took place on Wednesday 18th October.
25 members were present
including team members all prepared for the forthcoming season.
With the formalities of the confirmation of minutes and the Treasurer’s report completed, President Damien Obey delivered his annual report. He spoke of a successful past cricket season and thanked members and sponsors for their support. The past season was a shortened one, where a resurfacing of the pitch took place and the time required for some resurfacing to be established to that end, the 35-over league was dropped from the programme, but he hoped it would be re-added for the forthcoming season. Damien also gave a special thank you to Johnny Issac for his generous donation to the sport.
This AGM provided for the election of officers and the SHCA has an executive committee of a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer and a Secretary.
The first post was that of President and there were 2 nominations, Derek Richards the outgoing Vice President and Scott Crowie. This led to a vote from members and cast in favour of Derek with a tally of 15 to 2. Derek was elected President.
The Vice President post also led to a vote with the nominations being Scott Crowie and Andrew Yon. This was cast in favour of Scott with a tally of 10 to 9. Scott was elected Vice President.
The Treasurer’s post was filled by Damian Burns the incumbent Treasurer unopposed.
Cliff Richards was nominated to remain as Secretary but declined and offered support to any new Secretary. This position then went to to a vote with Andrew Yon and Alasdair Bain, a tally in favour of Andrew 12 to 5.
The new Executive Committee of the St Helena Cricket Association now consists of

President – Derek Richards
V/President – Scott Crowie
Treasurer – Damian Burns
Secretary – Andrew Yon

The SHCA Constitution also allows for an organising Committee and this is made up of all Team Captains as in the ensuing 6 years, Anthony George was elected to Chair this group.
Anthony has taken this role with the Association and is instrumental in all of their activities. In accepting this role for the next 2 years Anthony asked that team captains give support when needed and thanked them for their help in the past.
In taking his new role Derek spoke to the floor and thanked everyone for their support and votes of confidence in him. Derek has held the post of Vice President for the past 10 years and said he is looking forward to progressing the Association in his new role. He took the opportunity to also thank the outgoing President and Secretary for their time and effort over the years and that he hoped they would still maintain an interest in the running of the Association.
Discussions then revolved around the upcoming cricket season. It was agreed that the full complement of tournaments will be played which includes the 35-over League, the District, T20 League and the knockout.
The entrance fees will be £275 per team.
7 teams were entered on the evening with a potential for an eighth team, as some members were informed that the Lions were going to be entered after missing a season, however, they were not present at the meeting. It was agreed that they be provisionally entered and used in the draw of the fixtures which can easily be removed if they fail to enter. Lions have until the 26th of October to confirm their entry.
Teams are:

Heat/Pirates/Mustangs/Rebels/Challengers/All-Stars/Cobras and Lions.
The draw for the first round of the League and the Knockout was done on the evening and fixtures are as follows:

League –
Pirates V Heat
Lions V Mustangs
Rebels V Challengers
Allstars V Cobras
Knockout draw

This is a following draw which means it will remain in its entirety and no further draws will take place.
Members discussed the Plate and Spoon tournament which was added as a novelty tournament as a by-product of the Knockout.
It was agreed that the tournament be run as it did last season.
The District will be run following the 35 Over League and before the T20 league.
The 23/24 cricket season will start at the end of the football season and a dialogue between the two associations is ongoing to determine a start date as soon as possible.
Youth development was the focus of much discussion before the meeting was closed by wishing everyone a pleasant season ahead.

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