Professional coach Mo Mather arrives

Team St Helena Is seven weeks into their training for their first international game is six years and 2 days into training under professional coach Mo Mather.

Mo arrived in St Helena on Saturday and took his first training session on Sunday morning.

The team first played a T20 game which allowed Mo to assess the team’s current ability, identify what specific training is needed and programme individual training requirements.

Mo has been visiting the Island since 2010, just prior to the Island attending their first international game and is impressed with how the quality of the national cricket has improved over the years.

The team that is currently training for the visit to Botswana in October has great potential, said Mo., the fielding and bowling is really really good he said, but some work needs to be done on the batting.

Current training is focused on fitness, agility and individual skills. This is interspersed with T20 games four times during his visit.

A team Captain has been identified and this will be announced to the team on Wednesday.

Team Selection takes place on Friday evening prior to Mo’s return to South Africa on Saturday

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