Personal Coach and Trainer joins Team St Helena


Personal Coach and Trainer last night joined Team St Helena from Capetown. 

Denzel Pedro Smit who has been working with the St Helena team arrived in Gaborone last night to spend 2 weeks with the team during both international tournaments.

 As a Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker, Denzel has been working with the team via Skype conferencing whilst they were building up to the competition and then offered to join the team in Gaborone.

 Denzel needed R30,000.00 (£1600.00) to fund his trip and with the endorsement of the St Helena, Cricket Association managed to fundraise in South Africa to be able to make the trip.

The benefit of including Denzel in the St Helena Team will aid personal and professional growth through the study and practical application of proven leadership and coaching methods.

 His work has taken him on travels both nationally and internationally to serve governments, corporates, NGO’s, Churches, Universities, Schools, and Provincial amateur and professional sporting codes as well as inspirational coach to a South African professional football team. These assignments resulted in him being listed on the “Prof Jonathan Jansen’s” 2016 list of 67 South Africans, making a difference in the spirit of Nelson Mandela. 

Denzel will remain with Team St Helena until the 10th of November.


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