It has not been all work and no play for Team St Helena as following their intense training sessions, afternoons are set aside for relax and see some of the country where they are.

Whilst it is the teams intention to try as much of the local foods as possible, it is best to place on record that the local dishes, like those served in the team hotel, are somewhat spicy and in cases much to spicy for the teams taste (apart from some 🤪) so efforts are being made to eat in other establishments where they serve foods which the team is used to.

So far, on top of sampling traditional food, the team has had meals at Ocean Basket, Pizza Hut and a Turkish Restaurant much to the delight of the locals who enjoy having the team around.

Money is a real issue for members of the team, as only local currency is accepted, apart from some cases the US Dollar is accepted and international credit and debit cards are not accepted bar a small number of forward looking businesses.
That aside, we have found most people willing to help, as much as buying an ice cream on the black market.

The local currency, the Nigerian Naira, is very simple, there are just 3 notes, and no coins as what we can see in circulation… The downside is that the highest denomination is a 1000 Naira note, which is worth roughly .50p. In reality most of us became millionaires overnight.

Having had a briefing and presentation in St Helena by a Nigerian living there we had set certain expectations, so it was not so much of a shock to the system, although we will be having a few words with Ed when we get back.

Overall the team has enjoyed these first few days, everyone is in high spirits and looking forward to the tournament.
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