An amazing second day at the Conference meant that as an Associate Member St Helena was able to have a one-on-one session with our regional directors.
Here feedback was given and received.
Conversations were had about targets which are likely to be set in the coming year and how they could be met or achieved and what opportunities could exist for members.
St Helena made the case of the requirement for consistent international exposure, the limitations on St Helena Cricket because of the low population numbers when competing against their larger counterparts, and the expensive and time-bound travel to be in the international arena.
Cricket South Africa recognized the limitations and different circumstances we faced.
Derek made the case for a commitment from the Regional Directors to visit St Helena within the next 12 months.
The day concluded with a reception with guest speakers opening on the theme for the week which is “Making Cricket accessible to Children and Youth”, something which will be high on the agenda in the coming days.
Guest Speakers included Kass Naidoo – International Cricket Broadcaster, Lucy Amos – Head of Social Media, Disney, Jelena Stosic – Strategy Director, Kids Industries and President of Nigeria Cricket Uyi Akpata. Absolutely looking forward to Day 3 where a series of members seminars will take place.