Cricket Fundraising

In the buildup to the Sub Regional T20 World Cup qualifiers, team St Helena continues their training programme led by Dax Richards.

Until coach Nadeem returns later this month there is a voluntary and mandatory training night. Once the coach arrives training will progress to 4 or 5 times a week.

Alongside of the training the St Helena Cricket Association is carrying out several fundraisers… Already there are 2 raffles underway and a sponsored Half Marathon will take place this weekend.

The Half Marathon is aimed at being an annual event for St Helena Cricket as a fundraiser on a 21.1K trek from Blue Point to St Helena airport.

Even though the weather is unstable this week, there is quite a good number of runners/walkers registered for it.

At the end of the event, there will be a prize giving and medal presentation at 3 pm.

There will also be a bar and boerewors will be on sale.

A fundraising event planned for November is attracting a lot of attention and this is the Legends Day which will be held on Francis Plain. Sign up to our newsletter to get up-to-date news fast.




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