Team St Helena arrived in Capetown yesterday afternoon, having left Abuja 24 hours earlier.

Stopover in Eithopia

What initially started as an apprehension of an 11 hour layover in Addis Ababa Airport, turned out to a night for the team in the wonderful Skylight Hotel.

Skylight Hotel.

Leaving Eithopia at 7.30 on Saturday morning saw the team arrive at Capetown International yesterday, just after lunch, where, surprise surprise after being the last to arrive in Nigeria, David Young’s bags were the first recovered in Capetown

Davids bag.
Landed in Capetown.

Met at the airport by  Coach Nadeems  wife and family. We were quickly transported to the Crescent Guest Lodge in Pinelands, where we will spend the rest of our time before heading back to St Helena this weekend.

Coach Nadeem reunited.

The travels of the past two weeks had taken their toll as everyone drifted off to bed early ahead of today (Sunday).

A lazy recovery day is planned today with some of the team heading off for some golf and others just planning to explore.

Dinner is planned to be cooked in house, an anticipated taste of St Helena flavours after several weeks.

We do apologize for the lack of photos in yesterday’s blog, but was posted whilst flying between Eithopia and Capetown and uploads were somewhat restricted.

A Capetown Welcome.

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